About Me

Michael Issa

Hi! I am a Computer Science student at San Diego State University. I am broadly interested in software development given my background in computer science. Practically, this includes applying good coding practices to meet customer demands for front-end development. Besides the work done in earning my degree, I have a deep interest in Bayesian inference and computational statistics. I have experience studying and modeling a variety of large data sets, which range from prediciting housing prices using hierarchical modeling to outliers analysis of energy grid outputs using time series and machine learning methods. 

My career interests center around building software and applying statistical inference and predictive analytics to complex social and buisness problems. As I approach the end of my degree, I am actively seeking opportunities working with industry software and jobs in applied analytics and data science.

Once I upload some things, you will be able to find brief descriptions and code to projects and works in progress on my blog and on my GitHub. You can also find  computational models that I like to write when I am thinking about a formal analogue of a problem or wish to implement a nice idea from a paper I am reading. They range from estimation algorithms to network and game-theoretic models. Accompanying code is also available on my GitHub.